Discover Your Calling

The greatest joy of a
Christian is to give
joy to Christ.”
— Charles Spurgeon
Welcome friends & and family in Christ! Today, my prayer is that you will be one step closer to discovering your purpose – and uncovering your God-given Spiritual Gifts.
In the last two years, the church has faced many difficult challenges. It is time for us to have a new beginning – a new start, and a new chance at living the life God intends for us. Maybe you have struggled with the changes in the world, or even changes within your own community and family.
That’s okay.
It can sometimes take a long time, but God’s people are always learning to trust His goodness and lean deeper into His grace.
Challenges and setbacks are always a part of life.
I want you to know, despite everything you may be feeling or experiencing, God is still calling you to your purpose. He is still calling you to love Him, and love your neighbors.
That means you and I need to know how God has designed us to fulfill that purpose. If you’re uncertain of how to live out God’s plan and purpose for your life – you’re in the right place.
Years ago, I created this site and Spiritual Gifts Test to help you:
Identify The Gifts God Has Blessed You With
Understand Your Gifts (And Personality Traits)
Use Your Gifts To Worship God And Serve Others – Bringing Glory To God In All You Do!
My personal mission and calling is to equip and encourage you to live a life full of faith, loving God and people. That is essentially the reason this site exists!
If you’ve read this far, I am grateful for you and I can’t wait to see you discover your spiritual gifts and live out God’s purpose for your life.
Your Brother In Christ,
Jeff Carver
PS. Your first step is to take the Spiritual Gifts Test. Right up front I’ll tell you that the test requires a bit of a time investment on your part. But I promise you, like millions of others who have taken it, you’ll receive tremendous value — and gain immense clarity from your results.
So, are you ready? Click the button below, and let’s get started.