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Ready To Take Your FREE Spiritual Gifts Test?​

STEP 1: Create Your FREE Account (takes 3 minutes)

(Take the #1 MOST Trusted Online Spiritual Gifts Test – 
Register for your FREE Account Above*)

Trusted by over 1500 Churches, and taken by over 1 Million people – our FREE Spiritual Gifts Test will help you identify the unique Spiritual Gifts God has blessed you with – and learn how to best utilize those gifts to fulfill your life’s calling and purpose.

Your free account includes your own custom dashboard where you can download or view your results at any time.

*Why Do I Have To Create An Account?

We’re glad you asked. SGT not only offers one of the most reliable, comprehensive, and valid Spiritual Gifts Test available online – we also provide you with a FREE dashboard where you can login and view your results at any time. 

Setting up your account takes less than 3 minutes. 

Already Have An Account?

(login now)

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STEP 2: Take the #1 Online Spiritual Gifts Test

Easy To Use

Our spiritual gifts test is simple and intuitive, and only takes about 10-12 minutes to complete. Just answer each question honestly and openly on a 1-5 scale from Very Inaccurate to Very Accurate. The progress bar lets you know how far along you are each step of the way.

Setting up your account takes less than 3 minutes. 

Easy To Use
Useful Results

Useful Results

Our comprehensive scoring system will calculate and order your gifts for you. A beautiful, color-coded chart displays the rank and the range of your score as compared to other test-takers. This gives you a clear picture of what gifts you may have, which is helpful when searching for a place to serve in the body of Christ.

Gift Definitions

On your results page you will see the definitions for each of your top three spiritual gifts. Each definition is well-researched and Scripturally supported.

The Bible is the guide for all our resources and teaching content. After taking the test, learn more about spiritual gifts and discipleship throughout our website.

Gift Definitions